Space Saving Ideas For The Office

Space Is A Top Priority And One Of The Toughest Challenges For The Modern Office

As well as the usual space saving furnishings like filing cabinets, bookshelves, and tambour cupboards and lockers, there are a number of space saving tricks you can employ. Combining unseen and seen storage solutions may help you keep priority items on view, whilst tucking things not needed all the time away.

Fill The Hidden Spaces Within The Office

Desk pedestal drawers can be tucked underneath or alongside work tables and office desks. Some chairs and benches can have inbuilt storage so the office hold more stuff, but it is hidden from plain sight and neatly stored around the office. Assessing your office for so called “negative space” may be a first step to working out how to turn it into a positive advantage for your work environment.

Utilising Verticals And Even The Ceiling

As well as shelving, walls and the sides of desks and chests can be turned into extra storage. Consider hanging extra corner shelving and radiator drying racks for hanging notes, filing post and storing miscellaneous items. Foldaway furniture can be stored plush to walls and even slid onto hooks or shelves. Where appropriate the ceiling may take hooks for hanging things too! If nothing else, a houseplant to clean the office air, but equally it might support hanging storage solutions like cloth shelves.